The Story of Us

Our story began when we met over breakfast in August 2009 in Beijing, China. Jeremiah had just completed a month of teaching in southern China and Jenn was receiving training for teaching in China long term. A mutual friend introduced us and we had a brief conversation about the difficulty of leaning the Chinese language. Jeremiah mentioned that he was planning to return to China, a thought that stood out to Jenn.

In August of 2010, Jeremiah returned to China, but we didn't begin our relationship until February of 2012. 

Our first photo together

In October 2013, Jeremiah came to visit Jenn and we visited the Great Wall, where he asked her to marry him. She said "of course," and our future together was sealed.

Right after the proposal

We returned to the US at the end of June, just a few short weeks before our wedding. On July 19, 2013 we became husband and wife.

We moved to Fort Collins, Colorado in August, where we soon found out we would be adding to our family. Matthew was born in May of 2014.

Our family is planning to return to China in August of 2016. 

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