Monday, June 8, 2015

One Year of Matthew!

On the 23rd of May, Matthew turned one. One whole year old! Where has my baby gone? More and more, he's making it clear that the days of little babyhood are gone.

He's currently about 18 pounds and 30 inches tall, still the same little string bean he's always been. He'll eat just about anything, although he loves fruit and would eat it exclusively if I let him. He says dada and something sort of like mama. He can understand simple commands, and will clap his hands or give a kiss if I tell him to in Chinese.

Matthew's got a sweet temperament. Most of the time he's pretty easygoing and happy go lucky. But lately there have been some days of testing boundaries that remind me that he's got a will and like everyone, he wants things his way. It's been challenging to say the least!

Lately he enjoys reading books and popping bubbles. He loves other kids, and he's been known to lay a kiss on any little friends he meets.

We love our little boy and are excited to see all the things he learns next!

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