Monday, September 30, 2013

Living on Purpose

After several Sundays of church hopping and seeking where fit, we have finally found a place what we can call home during our time here in Fort Collins. Several of Jeremiah's coworkers directed us to The Town Church, and the first Sunday we attended happened to be at the beginning of a 2 week series about the church and what their church's vision was. After week 1, we definitely knew we had to come back for week 2. After week 2, we knew we had found our home.

This week we went to a township group (aka small group) that discussed how to live out the sermon. The church's mission are all things we agree with: worship God in community, love others, engage the culture and make disciples. These are all things that are near to our hearts. Now we're trying to figure out what that looks like here in Fort Collins. If you had asked me in China how to do those 4 things, I could've given you a few reasonable suggestions or ideas. But here in FoCo I have no idea. How do we get more involved in the community that the Lord has put us in? What are practical ways to love others here? How do I engage a culture that I don't yet understand? And what does discipleship look like in this stage of life?

I trust that in time the Lord will reveal answers to all these things. I have to remember to have patience and grace as we adapt to our new situation. We're not going to know it all yet and we're not supposed to. But if we keep walking faithfully, He will make things clear in due time.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Welcome to our blog! This is where we will keep people informed about our lives together as we live in Fort Collins and prepare to go back to China. Check back regularly for more updates!